Creating my new website

It all started so well

It all started so well


Or, How to give yourself a real headache

So, here we are with the ultimate in vanity projects. My very own website, in my very own name, in this most public of places, the World Wide Web.

I may live to regret this.

Why have I decided to go public? My previous blog, Gandalf on Tour was always very anonymous. I referred to myself and Mrs P using nothing more than our initials. So, why the sudden urge to go public and put my name out where search engines can find me?

Predominantly it is to publicise the Norway ski trip planned for 2022, but more, it is to shout from the rooftops my intention to write a book about my exploits. The theory being that If I tell the World what I am doing I’m going to find it much harder not to do it.

In the past I have avoided allowing my name into the public domain for various reasons. But, after a few years of blogging, I have decided that my site is not going to upset anyone. It is child friendly (mostly), so what’s the harm?

There are however several ways this could go wrong. It could for example become an unmanageable beast with me desperately trying to administer the huge amount of traffic generated by my words of wisdom and highly professional videos and posts. Or, worse, no one will see it. The site will drift slowly into obscurity as my lack of social media skills cause my latest project to crash and burn.

Hey ho. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The headline on my home page says; “Neil is an amateur adventurer…”. Maybe it should stop at the word “amateur”. There is a lot of the amateur in my approach to this project. I hope you, dear reader, will enjoy following me on this journey of discovery as I work towards my first (and possibly last) book.

Several days later…

Several days later…

I would really appreciate your feedback on the website. There is an easy way to contact me via the aptly named Contact page link.

#norgepalang #neilpitts #longcovidrecovery #longcovid


Bloody parrot!