We have now moved down to the French department, or region, called Pyrénées Atlantiques. Aptly named since we are near both the Pyrenees and the Atlantic.

Despite a lot of driving, I can safely say thar we are having a great time. I mean; what’s not to like? No work, no stress, no energy bills and warm weather.

However, I am sorry to report that Mrs P has already invoked the emergency protocol.

A cat in Saile de Bearn en route to see what all the fuss is about.

Mrs P’s plan was that she would eat a mid-morning snack of a pain au chocolat, or similar sweet snack, just once a week. I laughed openly at this misplaced boast. “You’ll never do it.”

Ah,” she said “If there is an emergency I am allowed to invoke the emergency protocol.”

“What kind of emergency would you be talking about?”

“A dire emergency. You will find out the kind of dire emergency in the very unlikely event that the emergency protocol is invoked.”


She lasted just two days!

Some might think this an impressive feat of willpower. After all, she survived one whole day without cake. But she didn’t. she was allowed to eat a pain au chocolate on the first day! So she actually lasted precisely zero days.

Mrs P trying to find the emergency cake supplies

And the emergency?

“Well, I didn’t eat much last night.”

Thats it! And apparently, once activated, the emergency protocol remains in place.

She has all the willpower of, well… me. i.e. none.

Coffee and cake? Don’t mind if I do.

Emergency cake eating has now moved even further south to the beautiful village of St Jean Pied de Port, in the Pyrenees. Famous for being the start point for many pilgrims walking the Camino de Santiago. St Jean Pied de Port is also stunningly beautiful.

St Jean Pied de Port.

We are staying at the municipal campsite here. Being cheapskates we love municipal campsites. This one is just €12 per night. It also has given us access to our first shower for 5 days. Boy were we happy to get clean. Though possibly not quite as happy as our neighbours.

We even did a bit of washing.

Gandalf and washing (I know, mostly pants).

Tomorrow we are going to walk half of the first stage of the Camino de Santiago, of which I have spoken at length in previous blogs.

Watch this space for further updates on our progress and hopefully more exciting photos than pants drying in the breeze.


Define Adventure

