Day 48 - Sometimes a little rain must fall

Friday 31st August 2018We had planned a rest day following our 10 hour day yesterday. A good call because it rained, all day, the temperature plummeted and both Mrs P and Gandalf had to dig out their winter/rain gear.Gandalf models the very latest in campervan millinery while Mrs P Sports our Antarctic rangeWe thought it would be nice to go for a short walk later in the day but, the cold and the rain meant that we went into hibernation mode and spent the whole day in the not so warm embrace of Gandalf's interior. This at least enabled me to catch up on four days of blogging.Where the magic happens. That or on-line shopping for a bath-chairThis picture of me wrapped up like a geriatric in a fridge contrasts strongly with the many images on campervan blogs/Instagram pages of scantily clad, nubile young ladies draped across, on, in, over and, very occasionally, under campervans of all sizes, shapes and models. I know this to be true, I have personally checked them out. All in the name of research, of course. I would provide a link to an example but this is a family blog.Anyway, Gandalfontour is out to tell the truth behind the lies. To show the reality of 9 out of 10 of such images of campervan 'babes'...With one look Mrs P advises Mr P where he can stick his photo shoot suggestionMoving swiftly on. There was a rare culinary success this evening in that most salubrious of restaurants Kitchen de Gandalf created by the culinary genius that is, Mr, sorry, Chef P.Rösti. What do you mean? "what's Rösti?"Philistines.Originally Rösti was a farmers’ breakfast from German-Switzerland. It is now a Swiss national dish. We bought a packet version (cheat!) and added, smoked bacon, onion and topped it with a fried egg. Yum!Those of you who have been following the blog since the early days will, from the below photo, note that it demands its very own 'mush' category.Delicious and nutritious Rösti (please excuse the poor image. Steamed up lens)I'm therefore adding a mush category of yellowy, browny egg covered.Whatever category it fits into it was delicious and just what was needed on a cold, wet evening. Most supermarkets in the UK sell packet versions. Give it a try. It's very simple. Open packet, chuck it in a frying pan, fry both sides, add some extras and chuck an egg on top (I may be paraphrasing).In fact our evening meal turned out to be, by accident not design, a truly international affair:

  • Starter: Greek olives stuffed with garlic
  • Main: Swiss Rösti
  • Dessert: We can't afford dessert. So let's call that English (post Brexit)
  • Wine: Spanish Rioja (we can always afford wine)
  • ...and so to bed. A very restful and inactive but pleasant way to spend a day.
  • Not to worry, the sun will come out tomorrow...
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    Day 49 - September? Already!?


    Days 46 & 47- Revisiting a 12 year old proposal