Days 66 & 67 - Around the Lake and return to Italy

Tuesday 17th & Wednesday 18th September 2018To ensure that Mrs P has not lost her fitness whilst gadding around Oxford with her old college mates over the weekend, on Tuesday, Mr P takes her on a walking tour of Annecy followed by a quick spin round Lake Annecy on the bikes.Are we there yet?40km I believe. Mrs P takes it all in her stride and declares it, "a great day." as she falls asleep in her dinner.Mr P, feeling smug because he has now cycled slightly over 170 kilometres in 3 days, also falls asleep in the same dinner.On Wednesday we head for Italy. Back to Aosta to climb the Gran Paradiso, 4,061 metres.GRATUITOUS PLUG ALERT: The above link takes you to the High Mountain Guides website and their itinerary for Climbing the Gran Paradiso. Whilst we do not use guides for our climbs I include the link because it gives a good idea of what is involved and what can be done even if you do not have the skills and experience to go alone. I have used Rob Jarvis of High Mountain Guides in the past and, should you ever need a guide in the Alps I cannot recommend Rob and his team highly enough.GRATUITOUS PLUG ENDSThis time, to get back to Aosta, we drive through the Chamonix tunnel. It took just 2.5 hours. About 8 hours better than our trip in the opposite direction. Apart from yet another debacle with Italian Toll roads and road signs (don't ask) the journey was relatively stress free.We spent the afternoon packing and lazing about and the evening repairing kit. On the last climb I tripped over my own crampons and tore a hole through both my gaiters and my trousers. Luckily I missed my leg.Mr P shows off his domestic skills as he sews the front and back of his climbing trousers togetherCONFESSION ALERT! You may remember my musings on campsite life from yesterday's blog. (No, I haven't forgotten that I promised more. Patience now.) Well, anyway. We arrived at a new campsite today and I was determined not to do the arrivals dance. I started off by trying to get a good view of the site as we pulled in. I spotted a likely place, drove straight to it. Parked up. Job done...Or not...Mrs P (looking over hedge): "I'd like to be more in the sun. It looks better down there." Points over hedge.Mr P: "..."Mrs P: "Are you ok?"Mr P, bottom lip all a tremble moves Gandalf to exactly the spot Mrs P suggests. Parks up. Job done. Begins set up procedure and even prepares lunch AND makes tea.Mrs P "It's very hot here. I think we would be better off in the shade..."Mr P: "..."Mrs P: "Are you crying!?"At least we didn't go back to our original spot. Too shady.IMPORTANT NOTE: We are, as I said already, (do pay attention!) off to climb a snowy mountain. It will take probably 2 days. And on the 2nd day I shall be pooped as it is yet another 10-12 hour day. There will therefore be a hiatus in blog posts. Not just because I may be tired but because there ain't no signal on top of yon mountain. Back Saturday. Don't abandon us.

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Days 68 & 69- Ice Cathedrals and strange happenings


Day 65 - Campsite musings and the return of Mrs P