Tales of the riverbank

What better way to start the day than an early kayak on the river. All is peace and tranquility as our boats slide through the glass calm water. The low sun silhouettes the boats as they drift silently along. Water droplets glisten on the ends of our paddles and drip into the still water where they shatter the near perfect reflection of our boats.

A cry breaks the silence:

“Whose stupid idea was it to get up at stupid o’clock in the morning?”

And thus the idyllic image is shattered.

Sunrise! Why, oh why am I awake so early?

A friend and I have convinced another friend that the one thing missing from his toy box is a kayak. He didn’t take much persuading and duly purchased one. More than a week after taking delivery of his lovely new boat, he finally arranged a time to take it out. I’m not convinced he is showing sufficient commitment to his new hobby.

My mate (also Mr P), new kayak owner and style guru

It was possibly a mistake encouraging him to join us as he is a notorious early riser. I woke at 04.45hrs (that’s practically the middle of the night!) so that we could all meet at the river Thames near Medmenham at 06.00hrs for his inaugural paddle.

Which way up?

It really is worth getting up so early though. Not only do you get the river pretty much to yourself, but you can also have a mini-adventure AND be back home in time to go back to bed. Well, maybe not ‘back to bed’, but certainly in plenty of time to get to work. It’s also a great excuse for a second breakfast.

An early morning swim session for these signets

At this time of year the early sun fairly cries out for some company. Usually however, it is left to its own devices as we all slumber on, complaining that we can’t sleep properly as the sun streams through the curtains.

So, why not try getting up with the sun and enjoying your own mini-adventure. It doesn’t have to be on the river. Go on, give it a try, you won’t regret it.

Two Mr P’s (I’m the one on the right) failing to be as photogenic as the baby swans

I’d love to hear about your mini-adventures. Do tell me all about them in the comments below.

A huge thanks to Graham P (Yet another Mr P) for letting me use some of his photos for this blog. (The final 3 photos are his).


The World is full of interesting people


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