As long as the sky doesn’t fall on my head!

First it was mice. Little did I know that the next thing to nearly hit me on the head would be a small child. More about that later.”

Those words (above) were the start of what promised to be the final post of our Pyrenees adventure way back in the summer. However, as is all too often the case, on returning home, that pesky thing called Real Life took over so quickly that I never did quite get round to finishing it.

A child really did ‘almost’ fall on my head though. Here’s the ultra short version of that story.

Sleeper train back to Paris; Mrs P and I on lower bunks with two further bunks above; dark; me, fast asleep; small child (circa 7 years) falls from top bunk (about 3metres (12 feet) up) past mother on bunk above me and lands with a very Loud crash; I open my eyes face to face (mere cms apart) with a confused looking and miraculously unhurt child; mother me and Mrs P in bits and do not sleep all night in fear of encore. Upshot; Child fine. She had the audacity to wake in morning and proclaim what a lovely sleep she had had! Story ends.

That though was then and this is now. So why are we all here this time?Because Mrs P and I are off on our travels again.

Not our boat, but a different boat from our boat (keep up, there may be a test later).

Yes, Mrs P, myself and the inimitable Gandalf (grey VWT5 campervan for those new readers out there) are off on a trip. Sadly a short one, just 11 days, 3 of which will be spent travelling!

Yet another boat that is not ours. Boats are a little too large for selfies.

We are heading for Spain. Our ferry will deposit us to little or no fanfare in Santander on Spain’s northern coast. From there Gandalf will transport us to the Costa Blanca region. This is a playground we have oft enjoyed. Endless climbing under hopefully sunny skies with evenings chilling by the sea whilst eating calamari and chips. Well, that’s the plan.

Do keep your eyes peeled for further posts.

And while you’re in the mood, do check out my instagram account where I am undertaking the annual trial called Inktober One drawing a day for the whole of October with each based on a given prompt word.

Below are a couple of samples.

Inktober Prompt word SUN

Inktober Prompt word PASSPORT

Hope you enjoy my ramblings and very happy to have you along.




It’s raining… mice?