We disembarked, made landfall, got off the boat in Santander, northern Spain. Rain? What’s that all about!?
So, to avoid a week of unsettled weather in the north, we channeled our inner Pink Floyd and ‘set the controls for the heart of the sun.’ Or, as Mrs P said; “Set the nat nav for the sunny south east.”
It wasn’t long before the drizzle and the northern mountain roads changed to the warm dry plains south of the Pyrenees. Here serried ranks of wind turbines stretched to the horizon in all directions. Enough to drive a modern day Don Quixote to distraction.
Spain. As seen by the Plushies.
So it’s on with the shades, ELO’s Mr Blue Sky up to volume 11 and onward on gloriously empty roads. Next stop… well it’s probably a pee stop somewhere, but those stops aside, oh and lunch and driver swap stops etc. but, other than that, next stop, the seaside.
That is not the seaside!
The interior of Northern Spain is, to English eyes, a bit of a dust bowl. Though with some amazing coloured rocks to relieve the monotony of wind turbines and dust.
No photos I’m afraid as it is rightly frowned upon to take photos while driving. I briefly toyed with the idea of getting Mrs P to take some pictures, but feared that would not have ended well.
Imagine the scene… I spot an interesting rock formation approaching and say;
Me: Can you take a picture of that colourful rock formation for me please?
Mrs P: (looking around in all directions except the one I am looking at) Which one? Where? Where’s your phone?
We sail merrily past and the interesting rock formation disappears slowly from view.
Me: Never mind.
Ad infinitum.
Upshot? No photos of interesting rocks. Sorry.
Finally the sea hove into sight and delight of delights, Mrs P spotted it first. So, by long held family tradition, the ice creams are on her. Yay!
Ah, there it is! Now, where’s the ice cream shop?
Our first night in Spain’s sultry arms was spent on a dusty backstreet near some recycling bins. It may not have been the prettiest spot in town but it was a mere five minute walk from a beautiful beach, bar and restaurant.
Time for a well earned glass of something restorative methinks.
In my next post, we go climbing. Now, we’ve done this before, so wish me luck in finding some different and interesting way of talking about it
Do return, if only to see how I get on.