I got blisters on my fingers!
In which I get blistered hands from climbing fast to avoid a huge thunderstorm. And in which Julie Andrews gets a mention. I wonder if she ever thinks of me?

In defence of Costa Blanca
In short, come to the Costa Blanca. Ignore the bad press. Hide your campervan in the free parking for a few days…

Up on the roof
I miss climbing. Mrs P and I haven’t been rock climbing since last year! That’s a long time. Too long. This week though I did at least get to use some of my climbing kit and head in the general direction of ‘up.’

¿Habla Inglés?
…I say to the middle aged woman with the smiley face; “Habla Usted Inglés?” “No” she unsurprisingly replies. Both sides in the conversation silently cursing their respective Education systems.

Hors Sentier
‘Hors Sentier’ means ‘off trail',’ or ‘off path,’ or ‘What the hell are doing up here? There is no path you Muppet!'’