Before you go blaming me...

The rest will do me good.

Mrs P with Nassereith and a bloomin’ great drop in the background

Mr P showing off his not letting go skills

Stuff the climbing, check out the new trousers!

Mrs P on the other hand doesn’t need new trousers to look cool

If you look to the right of the zoomed image a 3rd climber is shown in real size.

A taste of things to come.

Thursday 29th August 2019If you are feeling under the weather what would you choose to do? Duvet day, raise at noon and spend the rest of the day reading books? Not Mrs P. The following is what Mrs P chose to do (of her own free will I might add) because she needed an 'easy day'...This Via Ferrata (or Klettersteig in German) is in Nassereith, Austria and, while short (1.5 hrs) it is quite hard. Graded 'D', they only go up to 'E.'Basically this is cable pull ups for an hour and a half.So not necessarily what Mr P may have considered the wisest of choices for the recovering Mrs P. but, we all know who's in charge, so onward and upward.Anyway, it seemed to work......and a great time was had by all.It's difficult to show the height of such a climb but the following photo attempts to do that by zooming in on a couple of climbers on the route.There was even a fun bridge over a gentle abyss comprising only 3 cables. One for your feet, one for each hand. Got some good video but unfortunately the bandwidth here is not sufficient to load to the blog. Sorry.Tomorrow, Friday 30th August, is our last day in the mountains before we begin the long, depressing drive home. Now I admit I am 24 hours behind with my updates but, tune in tomorrow to find out what we got up to.Here's a taster...See you tomorrow...


What to do, what to do...


Life through a macro lens