Right place. Right time. (Right shutter speed)

On Sunday 8th August Mrs P and I pottered off to a medieval festival in a nearby town called Belvés. Except for when we are climbing mountains, kayaking around tropical islands, skiing, or otherwise avoiding that pesky work stuff, we are rarely happier than when attending a medieval festival.


This is gonna be good

Now, this festival was not as big as the 2 we have previously visited (see blog of 25th August 2019 - The knights who say Ni!). It was after all only for one day, but it was great fun regardless..
As a nod to days of yore we did buy Mrs P a rather fetching flower head dress thing (technical term). It was that or some leather bodice armour. Which admittedly I was more keen on than her.

Flower power

Flower power

The roving minstrels were a great spectacle. At one point, when a group of players were coming through the streets doing the whole banging drums, breathing fire and walking on stilts thing, I managed to find a good spot and started clicking away. ‘Great photos’ I thought smugly to myself.

Just when I thought I’d got the best  photo I could get

Just when I thought I’d got the best photo I could get

Then this happened. And I just managed to press the shutter at exactly the right time.

Lucky shot or skilled photographer? You be the judge..

Lucky shot or skilled photographer? You be the judge..

A step further back and it would’ve been perfect. A step further forward and I would’ve been in the burns unit of the local hospital.
On some days the pictures come more easily than the words. This day was one of those days. So, I will leave you with a few photos of another great day out in France..

Is that you Gandalf?

Why are all those people staring at us?

Why are all those people staring at us?

The back streets of Belves

The back streets of Belves

An idiot abroad

An idiot abroad

Altogether now…

Altogether now…

For no better reason than I like the banners

For no better reason than I like the banners

No visit to a medieval town is complete without a visit to its church.

No visit to a medieval town is complete without a visit to its church.

How am I supposed to do press-ups with you messing around?

How am I supposed to do press-ups with you messing around?

On our return from Belves it seemed rude not to cycle into the local town of Saint Cyprien for a glass of wine and to capture the following photo when pointing the camera at the sun. It is apparently known as a ‘starburst.’ Don’t you just learn something new every day?

Saint Cyprien. A lovely spot for a drink.

Saint Cyprien. A lovely spot for a drink.

For those interested in that kind of thing the above photos were taken using either an iPhone 12 mini or an Olympus OM-D M10.
I have no idea what the OM-D stands for, but for English readers I can say with some confidence that it doesn’t stand for Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark.

For real photography enthusiasts I can also tell you that each device is set to Auto. Because I really have no idea what I am doing.

Apologies for the delay posting. I have had a nightmare trying to get internet access. (First World problems eh?)


Wacky Races


Rest, recuperation and tourist information