Oh no! Not again!?

By way of proof that , of late, I seem to be somewhat accident prone, I managed to break a rib today.
It doesn’t matter how (read: I am embarrassed by how, as only old people fall down the stairs!) needless to say I am somewhat irritated.
Broken ribs take between 6 and 8 weeks to recover fully from, so fortunately this shouldn’t be a problem with the Norway ski trip (Norge På Langs) which starts in 9 weeks).

Plans for Norway continue with David and I mixing and dividing up our breakfasts into 100g bags.

Plans for Norway continue with David and I mixing and dividing up our breakfasts into 100g bags.

Also, based on the ‘silver lining’ rule it means that one part of my training for Norway will be made easier.
My aim to put on between 7 and 14 lbs (3-6kg) will be considerably easier as I can dedicate all my training to Operation put on weight.

The old adage; “Move more, eat less.” has been turned on its head. I was struggling with my new mantra “Move less, eat more.” as I’m not very good at the “move less” bit. This stupid injury will certainly help with that.

Yes, my training will suffer, but boy what a porker I will be come Christmas. Let’s just hope my clothes still fit!

Moving on from my mishaps, plans are well advanced for the ski trip with much of the food bought and almost all of the clothing and equipment. A couple of weeks ago David and I spent a morning testing the mixes for our breakfasts…

Breakfast will be a mix of muesli, milk powder and granola. Simply add hot water.

Breakfast will be a mix of muesli, milk powder and granola. Simply add hot water.

Fortunately, this is not all our breakfasts consist of. There is also coffee, tea, hot chocolate, breakfast bars and more.

So, broken rib or not, I need to get on with preparations.

David is skiving off from planning (having already done 99% of the hard work). He has gone off to Antarctica where he is supervising a group of wealthy folk who are there to see the total eclipse of the sun on the 4th December. He won’t be back till 23rd December, so he’s left the final bits to me (mad impetuous fool that he is).

The following is just a small list of things still to be done.

  • Contact all of the places we will be staying during the course of our trip and let them know roughly when we will be arriving. Confirm they are open etc.

  • Organise travel for me and David

  • Arrange shipment of 150kg of dried foods.

  • Organise the purchase (in Norway) of items that cannot be shipped e.g. gas bottles

  • Try not to have any more accidents. Cancel that… Don’t have any more accidents

Such fun!

Do stay with me as the weeks count down to our day of departure. I will be posting a few things regularly to whet your appetite in the hope that you will follow the whole 110 day journey.


The ups and downs of piling on the pounds


I Gandalf