Day 3 - Marnardal to Hessa

We started walking at 9am this morning having been dropped off where we finished yesterday (Marnardal) by Ewen. Today we are walking just 12.7 miles back to Ewen’s place at Adventure Norway. So it feels like a rest day as to top it all off we can leave stuff at Adventure Norway (enough plugs yet?) and carry light rucksacks.

Our start point at Marnardal and the first of many times Neil will say, “Are we there yet?”

Perhaps we will end the day in as good spirits as we start for a change. Previous days have seen us (me certainly) stagger the last few miles, head hung low with gritted teeth cursing a heavy bag..

As usual the day starts along the main road. Deep joy.

Clear skies, but cold today. Minus 2 degrees c much of the time. Deep in a valley the sun only made a brief appearance. I think it was just aiming to show off how beautiful it could make the view. It certainly wasn’t to demonstrate its heat giving capabilities because, I can assure you, evidence of that particular solar skill was somewhat lacking.

The sun showing off while David looks on, unimpressed

For those readers who keep complaining about a lack of skis, yes, we could’ve skied a few miles today, but the road would’ve trashed the skis. Besides our skis are in Ljosland, 36 miles away. So, on we trudge.

Arriving at Adventure Norway. I send David on ahead in the hope that he will put the kettle on.

Once in we drink coffee and soup and eat chocolate, cookies and chorizo, but not necessarily in that order. Then, ahhhh.! A shower. First one for 3 days. Lovely.

This evening we were very kindly invited to dinner by Ewen, his wife and daughter Juliane.

Selfie lessons anyone?

A marvellous dinner and great company.

BIG NEWS! I had to leave the dinner early as I was due to be interviewed about our trip by Kate Justice on BBC Radio Hereford & Worcester. How exciting. The interview can be found on the BBC sounds App. Find the one for 5th January. I’m on after about 15 minutes, just after ABBA.
Thanks to Kate and her producer, Phil for giving me the opportunity and to my old friend Colin Evans for telling them about me in the first place.

Tomorrow is a big day. Back the heavy rucksacks and 18.5 miles (30km) of slogging along the road.

I’m off to bed.


Day 4 - Marnardal to…


Day 2 - Vigeland to Marnardal