Day 9 - Pytten barn to Gaukhei


Spent a relatively comfortable night in the barn at Pytten farm despite it being only about 0 degrees c inside and there being a light frost on the outside of our sleeping bags.

Woke at 7 having slept 11 hrs! I had discovered something in the night, my pee bottle isn’t nearly big enough. I have to empty it outside every time I pee, which makes it rather pointless. Anyway, I digress.

Left Pytten at 09.00 arrived at Gaukhei DNT hut some time after 2pm. A short day of only around 8km -9 km (with an additional 1 km for zigzags perhaps).

Around minus 2. Light snow and pretty poor visibility all morning.

Leaving the barn. Still pretty dark at 9am

Looking back towards the barn I congratulate myself on not buying the grey waterproof jacket.

Today’s route continues north along a line of interconnecting lakes., I am very pleased to say that we had less issues with tricky ground and thin ice than the previous day. Today’s big issue for me was the wet snow. As the temperature rises the snow gets heavy and wet and sticks to the base of your skis. Difficult to describe so here is a little sketch for you…

My sketch of the snow “balling up” on the skis. (Excuse the quality, I have no drawing paper.)

It makes forward progress incredibly hard and is very tiring. That aside, the terrain was certainly better today (read: safer).

At one point we were faced with a wide section of river to cross, which was rather disconcerting, but a study of the route took us to a welcome bridge.

Like a bridge over troubled waters it eased my mind (and certainly beat wading).

The last couple of kilometres were really hard because of the balling up skis issue, which was a real shame because about 10 minutes before we arrived at the hut the sun began to break through the clouds.

Across the lake to the DNT huts at Gaukhei (We stayed in the one on the right).

To be honest, until the sun came out I hadn’t had much chance to look at my surroundings. Too busy staring at my skis and cursing the wet snow. But, when it shone it transformed our bleak, grey black and white world into a whole different place. A magical landscape filled with light and colour.

The sun finally breaks through the cloud just in time to disappear below the horizon. It’s not even 3 pm!

Our tracks show across the lake beneath a first quarter moon.

After our barn of the previous night the Gaukhei DNT hut is utter luxury. This type of DNT hut is similar to an alpine hut, but open all year round. There are no staff, but there is a well stocked larder from which you can you help yourself. You simply fill in a form to say what you have had and pay latter via the App.

David looks in the larder to see if the stock Sodd. (of course they do!)

It’s cold inside and we need to get the fire going to melt snow for water and get David’s boots and socks dry. There is a woodshed with axe and chopping block (and toilets) next to the hut where I immediately start chopping wood and gathering kindling. We soon have the place toasty warm and because the hut’s solar & wind charged batteries are full, we can have the lights on too. Luxury. Time for a belated birthday cake methinks…

Cake, a candle and a tot of whiskey. What better way to follow a lovely dehydrated meal?


Day 10 - Gaukhei to Tjonndalen


Day 8 - Ljosland to Pytten barn