Here We Go Again
16th February 2025 and Mrs P and I are off for a bit of a ski tour in Norway. 6 weeks and around 400 miles.

Update and Some Exciting News
I’m writing this on the bus back to Oslo. It is snowing quite heavily as we drive south past both frozen and not so frozen lakes…

Is ‘Off Piste’ just another way of saying ‘Lost’?
In which Mrs P and I listen to the sound of silence while skiing above Beitostølen

In my last post I lamented a lack of satirical blogging opportunities due to Mrs P being just so darned good at everything. Well, lament over…

Slip sliding away
A low of -19°C with winds of around 40 kmph gave a windchill of around -30°C.
But that’s okay. We ain’t here to go windsurfing.

Future adventures & current activities
Mrs P and I have been investigating an adventure for the future and I have been giving talks on my Norway trip

Return to Planet Earth
In Norway the sound of grouse is the most memorable and common sound I will remember. Otherwise it was the wind, the shoosh, shoosh of skis and the distant voice of Trond saying, “why do you ski so slowly with the pulk?”

Day 58 - The Penultimate Day
Nordkapp is not on the mainland it is on an island called Magerøya.

Days 56 and 57 - The end in sight
but, the following morning we come up with a cunning plan.

Days 49 to 55 - One tired skier
It is now Sunday 3rd April. We have covered 1,254 km over 55 days (including 5 bad weather days)

Days 44 to 48 - Dr. Livingstone I presume?
We have now been traveling for 48 days and our ski-ometer says we have covered 1,035 km.