Rain Stops Play - Briefly
In which we spend a day horizontal and meet donkeys in the mist.

Another Adventure begins
Me a Mrs P head for the mountains once again, but this time by train.

So much for one post a day.
In which I try to make up for a complete failure to blog daily by posting one blog that covers a whole week

Sisyphus meets the Fern Pass.
Our seemingly sisyphean task of crossing the Fern Pass into Austria is finally over as we arrive in Nassereith.

The ups and downs of up
Hatless, his bare hands shoved firmly in his oh so tight pockets, he bade us a somewhat blue lipped “Ola!” as he strode purposefully upwards to his icy grave.

Rambling in the Rambla
We hike up a dry riverbed, or much more poetically, ramble up a rambla, to the prettiest village in Spain

Mrs P’s 4 Day Boot Camp
The above conversation is a verbatim record of the actual words uttered by Mrs P as I remember them. Please note that both time and events since this conversation may have somewhat skewed my recollection (i.e. Mrs P might refute this record).