Fascination & Frustration in France

This blog covers from the 13th to the 18th August. During this time we have wedged in a lot of mini-adventures and I have sworn. A lot!

A few more days in the Dordogne region, visiting quaint little and not so little towns, while my calf heals. Another kayak trip, some cycling and even more swearing.

Before I explain the swearing I shall show you a pretty picture to lessen the blow.

Me, in one of my calmer moods.

Me, in one of my calmer moods.

Well, I say ‘pretty,’ I may be exaggerating a bit. The above photo was taken on a 12 mile ride in 36 degrees C heat. Straight into the river on our return.

Back to the swearing. It’s nothing to do with the trip. Beautiful towns, cheap coffee. What’s not to like? It’s this bloomin’ blog. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love writing my blog. I like the simple exercise of writing. I like taking photos. It appeals to my creative nature. I’m not too bad with computers, so editing photos is pretty easy. Add to all that the fact that I am clearly vain, blogging is the perfect way of making it all about me. However, there is a fly in the generally sweet smelling blog ointment. One that has been causing me not just a little frustration and Mrs P some consternation, as she is starting to believe I have contracted Tourettes.

“What could possibly cause such a mild mannered man as you to swear so much?” ask those who don’t know me. “Oh dear. This could all end in tears.” say those who do.

I’ll tell you what. Internet connectivity. That’s what. Click on the link to hear my language carefully edited for child friendly content and courtesy of Mutley from the Wacky Races.

I need to calm down. Here are some more pretty pictures for you to peruse while I pop off and do some breathing exercises.

Friday 13th August, so it must be Roque Gageac - Described as one of France’s most beautiful towns

Friday 13th August, so it must be Roque Gageac - Described as one of France’s most beautiful towns

And there are steep steps to enjoy too (we love steep steps).

And there are steep steps to enjoy too (we love steep steps).

And breathe…

You would think the regional government would consider it important to provide better network coverage in the Dordogne. After all, I t’s a very popular place. But no, 3G is all I could get. Even on a good day. Add to that the fact that the world and his dog were all trying to get on line at the same time as me (how very dare they!) there was not a chance of uploading anything to this blog. I couldn’t even get the words to save, let alone a photo! Oooooo!!! It makes my blood boil!

Sautrday 14th August - Mrs P showing me how to chill. Cooling off in the Dordogne on our second kayak trip

Sautrday 14th August - Mrs P showing me how to chill. Cooling off in the Dordogne on our second kayak trip

Mrs P showing off her photography skills on a much quieter (no châteaus) section of the Dordogne

Mrs P showing off her photography skills on a much quieter (no châteaus) section of the Dordogne

This is of course a first world problem and one I really shouldn’t get so het up about. However, it didn’t stop me spending hours trying to upload anything. Every time I’d think, ‘Next time it will work.’ Only to sit staring at the spinning wheel of death for 5 minutes before the dreaded “Failed to upload” message appeared. Again! I think I need another calming photo or two.

Sunday 15th August - If you’re ever in the region a walk around Sarlat is well worth a couple of hours.

Sunday 15th August - If you’re ever in the region a walk around Sarlat is well worth a couple of hours.

The Tourist Information Centre provide a great little 1.5 hrs walking tour map with lots of information in English

The Tourist Information Centre provides a great little 1.5 hrs walking tour map with lots of information in English

Never one to be beaten, I decide to throw money at the problem. I order a Hippocket wifi device. This will give me my very own internet connection and 25GB of data per month for the minimal sum of….

Me: “HOW MUCH!?”

Mrs P: “It’s worth it if it will stop you constantly…. HOW MUCH?!”

I’m not stupid. I’m claiming it as a business expense. After all, I do have to work too while we’re out here. Pitts Limited doesn’t look after itself you know.

Mrs P hurrying back from Sarlat to check our bank balance

Mrs P hurrying back from Sarlat to check our bank balance

Of course, these things take time to deliver and I won’t be able to pick it up until we arrive at Lourdes in three days time. In the meantime, convinced I can beat the system, the swearing continues. We head south, which at least allows me to swear at different latitudes. We take refuge in beautiful little towns to break the journey such as Monpazier. An artists enclave in south west France. The art thing is clearly contagious as I had an attack of pretending I’m a photographer.

Monday 16th August - Monpazier. Helping to make better photographers of visitors since 1826

Monday 16th August - Monpazier. Helping to make better photographers of visitors since 1826

Monpazier does both pretty and quiet. All this and free parking too!

Monpazier does both pretty and quiet. All this and free parking too!

I finally cheered up by using a tried and tested method of leaving the computer alone for a while.

You know it makes sense.

You know it makes sense.

Next time on your favourite blog: Find out if the Wifi thing works. See the astounding (and weird) sites of Lourdes. Witness a minor miracle.


I Declare a Miracle - A lighthearted look at a visit to Lourdes


Wacky Races