Daily ramblings and are Alpine huts a victim of their own success?
In which I update you on our first snowy mountain of the trip and rant about the cost of alpine huts.

So much for one post a day.
In which I try to make up for a complete failure to blog daily by posting one blog that covers a whole week

Hot, bothered and fleeced!
Two very hot days in a campervan called Gandalf with no air-conditioning. And a tale of bank card woes.

France’s Greatest Strengths
I’m not sure if I should worry about the slow multiplication of trinkets that adorn Gandalf’s spacious interior.

In defence of Costa Blanca
In short, come to the Costa Blanca. Ignore the bad press. Hide your campervan in the free parking for a few days…

An idle guide to the Alcazaba at Almeria
Imagine the scene. 955AD, a Friday evening, the builder is meeting with the Emir.

The ups and downs of up
Hatless, his bare hands shoved firmly in his oh so tight pockets, he bade us a somewhat blue lipped “Ola!” as he strode purposefully upwards to his icy grave.

Rambling in the Rambla
We hike up a dry riverbed, or much more poetically, ramble up a rambla, to the prettiest village in Spain

Define Adventure
Even the pain of visiting an immensely expensive petrol station can be somewhat assuaged by the delightful café next door.