The ups and downs of up
Hatless, his bare hands shoved firmly in his oh so tight pockets, he bade us a somewhat blue lipped “Ola!” as he strode purposefully upwards to his icy grave.

Rambling in the Rambla
We hike up a dry riverbed, or much more poetically, ramble up a rambla, to the prettiest village in Spain

Define Adventure
Even the pain of visiting an immensely expensive petrol station can be somewhat assuaged by the delightful café next door.

Emergency Protocol Activated
I am sorry to report that Mrs P has already invoked the emergency protocol.

Tales of the riverbank
The low sun silhouettes the boats as they drift silently along. Water droplets glisten on the end of our paddles and drip into the still water where they shatter the near perfect reflection of our boats. A cry breaks the silence:

Up on the roof
I miss climbing. Mrs P and I haven’t been rock climbing since last year! That’s a long time. Too long. This week though I did at least get to use some of my climbing kit and head in the general direction of ‘up.’