Day 9 - Pytten barn to Gaukhei
…when it shone it transformed our bleak, grey black and white world into a whole different place. A magical landscape filled with light and colour.

Day 8 - Ljosland to Pytten barn
Faced with a wide open stretch between two lakes we decided our best option to get past was on the left hand bank. It really wasn’t!

Day 8 - Pushing on
A very brief note to say that we have decided to push on today despite the weather.

Day 7 - Bugger!
Having packed our bags very carefully last night in readiness for an early start today I woke at 6am. Raring to go.

Days 5 and 6 - Ljosland
Friday 7th January 2022. We were dropped at the side of the road at 8.30am. Much warmer today and snowing steadily, which it continued to do all day.

Day 4 - Marnardal to…
We foolishly weighed our rucksacks at Ewen’s place. Mine is the heaviest (I am not happy about this) at 13.5kg. It feels a LOT heavier.

Day 3 - Marnardal to Hessa
Clear skies, but cold today. Minus 2 degrees c much of the time. Deep in a valley the sun only made a brief appearance.

Day 2 - Vigeland to Marnardal
It had snowed in the night, then rained, then froze. The roads and pavements were like one big skating rink.

Day 1 - Lindesnes Fyr to Vigeland
The first 4 days of this trip are by road. As you can see, there is no snow and the summer route over the hills this one big big/marsh. So, 27km on tarmac it is.

Packing 200kg of re supplies is not exciting
Fortunately it seems that a modicum of linguistic capability is not a requirement for a short term Norwegian residents permit.

And so it begins
…while I patted myself down, searched every pocket and rifled through my rucksack for about the 4th time David simply disowned me and wandered off.

Here’s to a good night’s sleep
The following video shows the sleeping kit I will be carrying on our 4 month Norway ski trip, the Norge på Langs.

Overcoming Barriers
A brief update explaining how the pack of cards nearly came tumbling down around our ears.

The ups and downs of piling on the pounds
I need to put on weight. I don’t have a great deal of spare body fat at the best of times and, as usual, lost a bit of weight on our recent trip to Europe (I blame Mrs P’s boot camp).

Oh no! Not again!?
By way of proof that , of late, I seem to be somewhat accident prone, I managed to break a rib today.

They fought not for the lust of conquest…
This blog is about our visit to the beaches of Normandy. Where, on the 6th June 1944, 156,000 men took part in the largest sea invasion in history. The invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe.

And the lazy photographer of the year award goes to…
The following photographs were all taken from a single spot no more than 2 metres square. These images just go to show the different perspectives you can get on your world without moving very far…

Mrs P’s 4 Day Boot Camp
The above conversation is a verbatim record of the actual words uttered by Mrs P as I remember them. Please note that both time and events since this conversation may have somewhat skewed my recollection (i.e. Mrs P might refute this record).

We keep a knockin’ but we can’t get in
How can a one and a half hour journey take 3 hours? I’ll tell you how. When we inadvertently lock the keys inside Gandalf is how.